i425 going out of stock?

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i425 going out of stock?

Post by koskurt »

I heard the Motorola i425 phone is going out of stock. Boost Mobile has decreased the price of this phone by 10 dollars (you can see the price decrease on Boost Mobile's website) - which is another sign the phone is going out of stock. I was going to get a lot of these phones for my business and load AccuTracking, but if these phones are going out of stock I'd have to think again. Does anyone know this for sure? Does anyone know for sure if the i425 is going out of stock? The i425 is a cheap and nice way to track. I will really miss it if it goes out of stock.
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Re: i425 going out of stock?

Post by ATSupport »

Actually your guess makes sense. If you look back, each of their "mainstream" model stays on the shelf for about 1 year (i710, i450, i455, i415...). But it could also be due to the holiday season.

Don't worry, there'll be replacement model (i335?) once it phases out.
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Re: i425 going out of stock?

Post by Rob »

I'm a Boost dealer and there was no mention of i425 going out of stock unlike i415 did. Its fairly new!

Price drop is due to slower sales=economy.

Our proven, low cost motion activated 1296 and i425 solution with Accutracking.. will give you weeks of service on a single charge! (Battery Charger Included) Eliminates the daily recharging routine or the need to hard wire to auto electrical systems. Boost starter kits, lithium polymer batteries,and waterproof magnetic cases...For more information please call 716 830.7791 anytime!


Re: i425 going out of stock?

Post by koskurt »

Hi, this is for ATSupport. You wrote i335 could be a replacement model for the i425. My question is does AccuTracking support i335? I didn't find software for the i335. Please advice. Thanks.
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Re: i425 going out of stock?

Post by ATSupport »

i425 version works on i335.
AccuTracking Support

Re: i425 going out of stock?

Post by scharles »

Looks like the i425 is already out of the market. Boost Mobile has stopped selling i425s. I couldn't find any at Walmart and Target. Target said they're not getting any more and that the phone is being discontinued. Best Buy hardly has any left. Does anyone know where I can get more i425s? And how much is the cost?

I see that Boost Mobile has two new phones now - namely, the i290 and i335. Does AccuTracking have software for i290 and i335? I created an account and logged in but did not find the software for these two phones. How about software for i776 as well?

I'm mainly interested to know if AccuTracking has software for i290 and i335 because I think these two phones fit under most people's budgets. The AccuTracking software worked well in the i425. Compared to that how well does the software (if you have one) work with the i290 and i335? Which out of the two (i290 and i335) is better for tracking? I'm asking this because I know the i425 was good for tracking and the i855 was not. Is the i290 or the i335 as good as the i425 as far as the tracking goes? Which out of the two is better for tracking?

Thanks. Hopefully I will get reliable answers here.
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Re: i425 going out of stock?

Post by Rob »

Its on there website today for under $30
Our proven, low cost motion activated 1296 and i425 solution with Accutracking.. will give you weeks of service on a single charge! (Battery Charger Included) Eliminates the daily recharging routine or the need to hard wire to auto electrical systems. Boost starter kits, lithium polymer batteries,and waterproof magnetic cases...For more information please call 716 830.7791 anytime!


Re: i425 going out of stock?

Post by scharles »

I know it is on the Boost Mobile website, but there is no "Add to cart" button. I have seen that happen every time their phones go out of production. Most likely, next week or next to next week it will disappear from the Boost Mobile website.

Can anyone reply and let me know if there is AccuTracking software for the i290 and i335 phones? And any idea which out of the two phones would be better for tracking?

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Re: i425 going out of stock?

Post by ATSupport »

I recommend a i290.

i335 works with the AccuTracking i425 version and has no battery level and signal level data reported on the tracking map.

i290 works with generic iDEN version, and has battery level and signal level data reported on the tracking map.
AccuTracking Support

Re: i425 going out of stock?

Post by scharles »


You wrote "i290 works with generic iDEN version". What is the generic iDEN version? I'm seeing the following two links when I login to my account:

Phone software for other iDEN phones
For other Java GPS phones not listed above, try this general version.

Which link should I click to download the version for the i290?
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Re: i425 going out of stock?

Post by ATSupport »

I apologize for the confusion. I shouldn't have said "generic version". For i290, you should use "Phone software for other iDEN phones".
AccuTracking Support

Re: i425 going out of stock?

Post by scharles »


You wrote you recommend the i290 over the i335, the reason you gave was that the i290 has battery level and signal level data reported on the tracking map. If you remember the i855 had battery level reported on the tracking map as well, but it was horrible when it came to tracking. The signals were always low and stuff. The i425 is much better compared to the i855 when it comes to the tracking. I hope you read my previous message. What I want to know is which phone out of the two (i290 and i335) is better for tracking. It doesn't matter if the i290 has more features like battery and signal level reported on the map if the tracking is not stable. Is the i290 just as stable as the i425? Or is the i335 better than the i290 when it comes to stability of the tracking?

I want to know which phone (i290 or i335) is best, stable, as good as the i425 when it comes to tracking.

I hope you have tested the i290 and i335 and can give me an accurate reply here.

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Re: i425 going out of stock?

Post by hutch109 »

We have tested the i335 and have had no issues at all with them. They track great.

We still have i415 units in stock for tracking use - both new, and used. We like the i335 much better than the i425 anyway - I was never a fan of the i425.

Complete Covert i290, i335, i415, and i425 Motion Activated Track Packages On Sale Now!

Now You Can Get Several Weeks of Use Between Re-Charges!!

Call Toll Free At 1-888-292-6693 To Order! Or E-Mail AccuTracking@GPSBait.com For More Information

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Re: i425 going out of stock?

Post by Rob »

Both models react the same..1425 and 1335. The I425 was a bargain !! at $29 retail. I'll test the I290 this week.
Our proven, low cost motion activated 1296 and i425 solution with Accutracking.. will give you weeks of service on a single charge! (Battery Charger Included) Eliminates the daily recharging routine or the need to hard wire to auto electrical systems. Boost starter kits, lithium polymer batteries,and waterproof magnetic cases...For more information please call 716 830.7791 anytime!


Re: i425 going out of stock?

Post by scharles »

Yes, somebody please let me know how good the i290 is compared to the i335. That was my original question. Is the i290 as good as the i425 for tracking? Which one is better? The i290 or the i335?

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